Hardware Configuration

CAN Connection

The Breakwater CAN test cases use a SocketCAN interface to interact with the CAN bus which is defined by the device parameter of the audits. Many different hardwares have support for SocketCAN, and once a device is connected to the Linux machine you can check if it is providing a socketcan interface as it should appear with the name can0. Some hardware devices like those from Intrepid Control Systems require drivers to be installed to provide this SocketCAN interface. If your CAN device does not automatically detect the baud rate of the connected bus, the baud rate must be configured. Commands to configure the interface can be found in the Linux kernel documentation: https://docs.kernel.org/networking/can.html

VCAN Setup

Need to setup VCAN?

sudo modprobe vcan
sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
sudo ip link set up vcan0

Normal CAN Setup

Need to setup normal CAN?

sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000

CAN FD Setup

Need to setup CAN FD?

sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 sample-point 0.75 dbitrate 2000000 dsample-point 0.75 fd on

Automotive Ethernet Connection

Breakwater’s net tests are flexible, designed to be run against any normal IP interface on linux. This means that tests can be run on an Automotive Ethernet network with any media converter which can provide an interface on the Linux machine. Once a media converted is connected to the Linux machine, the interface should be configured and connectivity ensured to the DUT(s). Usually DHCP is not available on such a network, so a static IP must be assigned to the interface. This can be achieved via the UI or with the ip addr command, and once set the connectivity should be verified. Later, many of the tests can assign a static IP via their parameters.

WiFi Connection

Similar to Automotive Ethernet, Breakwater’s current WiFi tests operate on a generic IP interface. This means that Breakwater can run tests as a client of the DUT’s WiFi access point, or as a peer of the DUT. In either case, it is likely there is DHCP on the network and you do not need to set a static IP address.

Cellular Connection

Again with Cellular, Breakwater operates on a generic IP interface. The only thing to keep in mind is that it is necessary that all cellular traffic is passed to the Linux device for the sniffing tests. Some cellular tools will describe this as a TAP interface.